
XR, Awards and Festivals

The Wamco PIE is at the National Film Festival for Talented Youth!

Happy to say that the Wamco PIE, a VR experience I wrote, programmed, and directed, was shown at NFFTY, the National Film Festival for Talented Youth, this weekend!

The project was shown in NFFTYX, the festival's interactive and VR section.

Unfortunately, I am in China with a one-entry visa, so I could not attend, but I am grateful the project was shown at the festival!

You can check out a play-through of the experience at my website here.

A still from the experience.

A still from the experience.

The project was also shown at the Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival earlier this month.

Thank you to Anjali Krishnan and Emily Zhao for all their hard work on this project!

XR, Awards and Festivals

The Wamco PIE is Headed to the Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival (DTLAFF)!


The Wamco Product Immersion Experience, a VR comedy that I wrote, programmed, and directed, is headed to the Downtown Los Angeles Film Festival!

I unfortunately will not be at the festival because I am in China on a one-entry visa, but I will be following the festival’s releases!

You can check out a play-through of the experience below:

XR, Awards and Festivals

My Wamco VR Experience is Headed to the Ivy Film Festival!

This weekend, the Wamco PIE VR experience is headed to the Ivy Film Festival at Brown University!


Ivy Film Festival is one of the world's largest student film festivals, so it is an honor to be invited. In the past, the festival has hosted guests such as Robert De Niro, Wes Anderson, and Jack Nicholson and held preview screenings of films like No Country for Old Men and Super Size Me

The piece will be featured in the festival's Virtual Reality Arcade. If you are in the Brown area, you can sign up for it here. The festival is free and open to the public. For those not in the Brown area, you can check out a video play-through of the experience here.

I am feeling a bit under the weather today, but I hope to be able to take the train up to see the festival for a bit this weekend. If you are in the Brown area, let's meet up!